Blog Archive

Friday, 7 July 2017

We think this now could be the AC pipe! Dripping when it's cooling. Still not sure why she's losing so much water (2 ltrs an hour..) anyone with any mechanical knowledge, come find the Karaoke Love Shack in the morn! We might find a Dick man for yo...

You need to link the pipes out of the heater matrix you can't just block one off 😁

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Any good ideas?

Need some advice chaps.

We've found a pipe leaking at the back of the engine. The car is is losing quite a bit of water/coolant (steady drip) but seems to be running ok when topped up.

Rough guess but think it could be a pipe for the heaters, as it seems to be too thin of a pipe for the engine.

Could we block up this pipe?

Appreciate any advice tomorrow morning (en route to Thun now)

Late arrival

Late arrival for us and team top gun, Team....pardon have ran into electrical issues which are now sorted figures crossed for us...... not looking good for team top gun with over heating problems

A well deserved drink after a long day

Fifty shades are still on our way

Currently heading towards Basel,
only an hour and 40 mins to go to hand our challenges in!

More importantly, what time does the bar close?

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Motorway friends πŸ˜†



Cocks on the run love the Super Dickmanns, made it to Thun 13hrs later! πŸ”πŸ˜΅



What bar are we meeting?

German Rozza! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»

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Do you think he will notice?

Made it to Thun, hot and ready for a pint.


... seems to have eased off. Took us about 15 mins to get through he heavy stuff

Dads of hazzard over the Rhein

18:10 over the Rhein

Made it to Thun.

Lovely weather for ducks!!

Only 12 litres of coolant used in the Love Shack Karaoke Bar so far today. 200 miles to go

Traffic crawling at colmar

Traffic crawling at colmar, stop and get fuel / butties before and hopefully it will thin out.
Unless we're the last stragglers

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stuck in a tunnel just past the swiss border near basle.. Avoid if you can.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Rob Stross

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The people that make it happen .....

And they're off ....


They have rush our here too......!!! A35 South of Strasbourg 

How big is this town?

We drove in and out and back into Germany and keep seeing the turn off for this town. It must be huge.

Exit for Dan and Dave.

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This mornings colourful line up